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Irvine recalls that he did up to 100 interviews per day during the War Horse promo tour, which contributed to his "jaded" attitude. However, when it was time to follow up on his first major role, the cynicism turned into healthy fear. He was afraid that people might think he had not done the necessary work, so he chose movies that were gritty and showed a greater range of characters.

He says, "It is a very high-speed turnaround in the industry. Everyone's eyes are on the next big thing." "You are hot for five minutes in the film industry after your big film comes out. You can be on the list of the top 10 up-and-coming actors one week and then the next week, you are in a completely different position. It's incredibly volatile".

Time for Action

Watches are an essential part of Irvine's character.Replica Watches He was outfitted with the Casio pro Trek, which is a perfect hunting guide's watch. He wore a Bulova officer's watch that he loved so much he kept it after filming. The watches for Billionaire Boys Club were as blingy as they could be with Rolexes in abundance.

Irvine's personal style is also influenced by the appearance of his watch. He calls his style "casual" and says he has always known that a job in which a suit is part of the everyday uniform would not be for him. "I like to be comfortable, and I love black. If I find a piece that I like, I will buy 5 and rotate them. I like simple, no flashy or sparkly clothes. When I look at old pictures where I thought I was looking great, I cringe. I think it's because I am trying too hard. I'm just too messy every day to look good - I would spill food on myself, but if I stayed black, the ketchup stain would be hidden.

I do love watches. Breitling Replica Watches is my favorite. It's my favorite and I only wear it on special occasions. It's a pride and joy. Watches are something I wear for a night out. I don't like to ruin them by wearing them for fun. Breitling Replica Watches's watches are cool and stylish without trying too hard. The men's pieces are timeless, classic and effortless. Rolex Replica Watches. is said to be a brand that only the connoisseur would know. It's because of this that I love it. I have always been attracted to well-made precision engineering because my dad is an Engineer. "It's in my blood."